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Facebook Wants Immigration Reform

Posted by Matthew Green | Apr 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

Organizations, individuals, and politicians have all weighed in on their thoughts and feelings towards immigration reform. Now American businesses are making their voices heard, too. Recently, a letter was sent to Congress that had been signed by over 600 businesses - all wanting immigration reform to be passed this year. The letter was signed by some impressive names which include Intel, Apple, and Citi. But, one name definitely stands out from the rest: Facebook.

Facebook, and its affiliated immigration reform advocacy group, has experienced some publicity lately. But before I get into that, here's a little background: according to its website, is an “organization started by key leaders in the tech community to promote policies to keep the United States and its citizens in a global economy—including comprehensive immigration reform and education reform.”

The website lists three principles that are important to the overall goal of immigration reform that allows for the hiring of the best and brightest.Education reforms that produce more graduates in the science, technology and math fields and ensure all children receive a high quality education from effective teachers and accountable schools.Support for scientific research, which seeds the future innovation of our knowledge economy, and breakthrough developments.

Earlier this month, a 60-second spot titled “Do Nothing,” was released through the efforts of You can see the video here. The spot echoes the sentiments of many other pro-immigrant reform groups and individuals, but there is a clear difference. The spot places overall blame for not having yet passed immigration reform on the shoulders of Republicans.

The video will run for a span of two-weeks and it will air in all 50 states at a cost of $500,000. The most notable quote from the video is arguably the following “[n]o one debates the need to fix our broken immigration system. Republican leaders know it. They've even said so time and again. So why are House Republicans cooling, retreating and even privately saying they'd rather do nothing this year?”

Not only does the video place blame, but it further accuses those who are blocking reform to be putting “jobs on ice.” Along with that statement, Do Nothing proponents say that the country is losing tax revenue that could be used to “fund education and infrastructure projects.”

The Do Nothing video also comments on those immigrants who are commonly referred to as “Dreamers.” These individuals were brought to the United States as young children, at a time when they had no say or control in being brought to this country without inspection. The video refers to these individuals as immigrants who have worked hard to create a life for themselves in the U.S., only to be pushed down over and over again. “They might as well dream on,” the video's narrator says.

Do you think that this video is what the country needs to help get immigration reform passed in 2014? Undoubtedly, Facebook has a strong voice in media and people watch and pay attention to what the company does. Maybe this video will encourage others to take a stance and help get immigration reform passed this year.

About the Author

Matthew Green

Managing Partner. Green | Evans-Schroeder (formerly Law Offices of Matthew H. Green) focuses on the aggressive defense of immigrants. A native of Arizona, Mr. Green understands the difficulties that immigrants and families of immigrants face when a loved one is charged with a crime. He knows how frightening it can be for some...


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