The poll was conducted by the Texas Republican firm, Baselice & Associates. It was paid for by the Michael Bloomberg-sponsored pro-reform group, Partnership for a New American Economy, and it found that there is “no measurable drop in voter turnout when comparing the immigration positions of three Texas congressional Republicans.” You can read the entire poll results here.
The focus of the poll was on three districts that have the following GOP incumbents: Rep. Sam Johnson, Rep. Lamar Smith, and Rep. Kevin Brady. Each of these men have different views regarding immigration reform. Rep. Johnson is a supporter of immigration reform, Rep. Smith is against it and Rep. Brady is apparently on the fence. Surprisingly, the poll found that “support of or opposition to immigration reform didn't impact voter support at the polls.”
These results could potentially hit Republicans pretty hard. Many Republicans have consistently argued that supporting immigration reform would cost them votes and this poll really throws that entire argument out. It will be up to Republicans as to what they will do next.
John Feinblatt, who chairs the Partnership for a New American Economy, was quoted as saying that “[w]hat we saw in the polling was that Texas Republican primary voters weren't motivated to go to the polls on the issue of immigration reform - for or against. They were far more motivated to vote on Obamacare.” However, Feinblatt went on to say that when voters were asked directly about immigration reform, the result was overwhelmingly supportive.
Even with these findings, it is not very likely that that any progress will be made related to immigration reform before midterm elections roll around. While these findings seem positive, it all depends on what lawmakers do with this data. House Republicans have avoided ever really considering the immigration reform bill that was passed by the Senate last summer.
Unfortunately for immigrants and the rest of the country, immigration reform is something that cannot continually be pushed aside. In order to fix the broken system that is currently in place, there must be changes made and the sooner the better.
If you are facing immigration issues and are seeking legal counsel, give my office a call. My associates and I work with clients in the Tucson and Phoenix areas. We would be happy to schedule a consultation with you in order to discuss the facts of your case and advise you on your best options going forward. Immigration issues are often difficult and can be confusing. You do not have to take these issues on yourself. We can help!