In the summer of 2010, Human Rights Watch published an indispensable report that exposed many of the deeply ingrained problems with immigration detention and the immigration court system. The Human Rights Watch Report was especially important due to the emphasis it placed on exposing the difficulties that non-citizens with mental health issues face when navigating their court proceedings.
"Attorneys Matthew Green and Jesse Evans-Schroeder told Human Rights Watch that they did not know about the mental health problems or sexual abuse suffered by Nat, a female client, until Evans-Schroeder, a female attorney, joined the legal team. Even then Nat only discussed details of her impairment and past experiences late in the relationship. “That's the issue in working with traumatized clients—you don't always get the facts when it's convenient,” said Green. Although Nat's attorneys had a psychiatric evaluation completed and introduced as new evidence, they met resistance from ICE trial attorneys in getting continuances to collect and present these new claims. Even after working with her attorneys for months, Nat was uncomfortable testifying in court about traumatic events. However, her attorneys presented this evidence in the record, and the judge granted relief."